Tallinn’s 2025 budget emphasizes the principles of the 15-minute city and an analysis of the spatial distribution of services. This approach enables more efficient planning for new kindergartens, schools, and services for seniors, improving accessibility and aligning with community needs.
Starting December 1, Tallinn and Harju County will launch a redesigned and more secure Ühiskaart (public transport card), with its price increasing from €2 to €3. Existing Ühiskaart cards will remain valid, and no replacement is required.
The Tallinn City Museum is both a museum in a medieval merchant house introducing the history of Tallinn as well as an umbrella organisation uniting...
Suspension of accepting applications for trade fair grant Tallinna Strateegiakeskus18.12.2024 linnakantsleri üldkäskkiri number T-29-1/24/69 Procedure...
Emergency number – 112 Tallinn Helpline – 14410 Other important telephone numbers Tallinn Emergency Medical Service Tallinna Emergency Medical Service...
Main contact of the Communication Department: kommunikatsioon@tallinnlv.ee Irina Kuzina, Chief Media Officer 640 4221, irina.kuzina@tallinnlv.ee Press...
Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...