Why was the current tram line route chosen? The new tram line’s construction was preceded by a lengthy planning process during which every potential...
Tallinn arendab lähiaastatel ühistransporti ja linnaruumi. Üks suur projekt on Pelguranna uus trammiliin, mis parandab kohalike elanike liikumisvõimalusi ja aitab kaasa keskkonnasõbraliku linnaruumi arengule.
World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile location for business with...
Tallinn is a city with a lot of biodiversity - insects, birds and animals live right next to us, and it is important to provide suitable habitats for...
Welcome to Tallinn’s international sustainability governance peer learning hub! Here we bring together experts and practitioners to exchange knowledge...
World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile location for business with...