On Saturday, January 18, the opening event of European Capital of Sport Tallinn 2025 gave residents the chance to explore various winter sports for free.
You’re welcome to join if you want to drive the film industry forward with technology-driven ideas. If you have a dedicated team and a prototype (MVP)...
The Estonian Maritime Cluster has received funding from the City of Tallinn to launch a new seminar series, "Maritime Mornings." This support highlights the importance of the maritime sector and helps raise awareness of its challenges and opportunities.
Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
From February 14 to March 4, the Tallinn Bun Fest will take over the city – a unique winter food festival that blends Estonia’s Shrove Tuesday traditions with Tallinn’s world-class café culture.
The construction of the new Kullo Hobby Center building is set to begin soon. Tallinn Property Department has signed a contract with AS Merko Ehitus Eesti for the construction of the building and officially handed over the construction site to the contractor today. This will be a significant multi-functional building for the Kristiine district, providing both learning spaces for the hobby school and broader community use.
We recommend using electronic means instead of direct contact. In order to obtain the birth benefit for residents of Tallinn, the child must meet the...