It was founded in 1986. Tallinn has been a member since 1998. It was elected to be one of the 12 leading cities in the governing body on November 2017...
Tallinn’s year as the European Capital of Sport in 2025 brings a sports program offering residents the opportunity to explore various sports throughout the year. January is dedicated to skiing, and on January 18, the Song Festival Grounds will host a skiing day, followed by the festive opening of the sports year.
In 2024, Tallinn made significant strides in public transport with strategic decisions such as a complete renewal of the trolleybus fleet with battery-powered trolleys and signing a 10-year contract with Tallinna Linnatransport AS to ensure the long-term stability and development of the city’s public transport system. This year also saw the completion of the second phase of the public transport network modernization and the redirection of tram line no. 2 through the Old City Harbour.
The changes will be implemented from 21 October. Citizens had the opportunity to express their views and make proposals from 3-20 September before the...
The changes will be implemented from 21 October. Citizens had the opportunity to express their views and make proposals from 3-20 September before the...