Short-term rental of the Botanical Garden's premises for organising various events. Come to the Botanical Garden Kloostrimetsa road 52 . Arrange the...
Municipal housing is meant for an individual or family who is not able to provide appropriate housing that meets their needs or their family’s needs...
The Intelligent Community Forum is a global network of cities and regions with a think tank at its center. Its mission is to help communities in the...
Please note! The 80-litre bio-waste containers are no longer available. Applications can only be made for 140-litre containers. According to the Waste...
The City of Tallinn is finalizing its environmental noise reduction action plan. By law, the city is required to mitigate noise exceeding legal limits in public spaces, ensuring a healthy living environment and supporting business activities.
World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile location for business with...
In case of certain advertisements the taxpayer can apply for the advertisement tax reduction. Tallinn City Government can grant tax reductions of: 1)...