Ensuring of maintenance of historical parks and finding of doers. The service covers Kadrioru park, the green area in Harju street, Kalamaja cemetary...
In the 2025/2026 academic year, the City of Tallinn will open classes in five schools transitioning to Estonian-language instruction, specifically for children who speak Estonian at a native level. Admission to these Estonian-language classes will be city-wide, meaning students will not be automatically assigned to these classes. Parents will decide whether to enroll their children in these classes.
A public event is an amusement, competition, spectacle, commercial event or other such function held in a public space and open for public, but is not...
Provision of general medical care to uninsured persons (ambulatory and in-patient care).General medical care and ambulatory surgical care is provided...
The City model can be viewed on website https://gis.tallinn.ee/linnamudel City model is a continuously renewed and upgraded three-dimensional digital...
Accelerating connected health solutions in, from and to Estonia Cluster overview: Estonian Connected Health Cluster (ECHC) is committed to accelerate...
The City Archives are located on Tolli Street, on the northern edge of the Old Town near St. Olaf’s Church (see the Tallinn digital map at /eng/kaart...