Estonia has been named an Innovation Champion by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), a prestigious recognition celebrating the nation’s leading role as the most advanced digital society fostering technological innovation, economic growth, e-government and social progress. This honor places Estonia among the top 25 countries worldwide that provide the most welcoming environments for innovation.
Short-term rental of the Botanical Garden's premises for organising various events. Come to the Botanical Garden Kloostrimetsa road 52 . Arrange the...
The EIT Urban Mobility project entitled „Bicification – increasing bicycle use in urban traffic” aims to promote and map cycling in the city. The data...
The EIT Urban Mobility project entitled „Bicification – increasing bicycle use in urban traffic” aims to promote and map cycling in the city. The data...
Tallinn Environmental Department organises random measurements to monitor the level of ambient air pollution. There are three monitoring stations for...