Phase I of Tallinn Transport Department’s renewal of the public transport network Tallinn started renewing its public transport network in the summer...
Foundation Õigusteenuste Büroo (ÕTB) Free legal counselling is offered to lower income residents of Tallinn in Estonian and in Russian. This service...
Starting in the fall of 2025, five schools transitioning to Estonian-language education in Tallinn will, for the first time, open classes where instruction is conducted at the mother-tongue level of Estonian. These classes are offered through citywide enrollment, meaning children are not automatically assigned to these classes. The decision to enroll a child in one of these classes rests with the parents.
To ensure environmentally friendly disposal of old Christmas trees, Tallinn has opened 83 collection points where residents can drop off their trees free of charge. Trees can also be taken to waste stations or have them picked up by the local waste management service.
The transition of city-owned buildings in Tallinn to local, clean, and efficient district heating has already yielded significant results. Initiated a few years ago, the process has successfully converted the heating systems of several municipal buildings, supporting the city's goal of becoming emission-free and reducing reliance on imported natural gas.
1) Voters will be counted in the Population Registry. The voter will be added to the list of voters in the electoral district their place of residence...