The Tallinn Philharmonic Society is a concert organisation located in Tallinn Old Town in the historic House of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads on...
QR–ticket (1 hour 2 €). Purchase online at or with the mobile app Purchase up to 10 rides onto your QR-ticket. Share them...
During the Christmas and New Year weeks, Tallinn residents with health concerns can visit hospital emergency departments, Tallinna Hambakliinik (Tallinn Dental Clinic), on-call pharmacies, or contact the Family Doctor Advice Line.
Short-term rental of the Botanical Garden's premises for organising various events. Come to the Botanical Garden Kloostrimetsa road 52 . Arrange the...
Counselling of minors with problems The application of different sanctions by juvenile committees operating in the city districts on students who do...
This page covers the services and benefits related to childbirth provided by the City of Tallinn. Maternity package : when a child is born, the City...