The Prototron Fund , the first in Estonia to finance prototype development has announced a competition to find companies that need support in turning...
From September 18th to October 8th, all residents of Tallinn have the opportunity to submit proposals for projects that could be implemented in the city's public spaces next year through the participatory budget.
Tallinn, the European Capital of Sport 2025, is inviting cycling enthusiasts to join a relaxing bike tour through neighboring municipalities on Saturday, October 5. The 25-kilometer ride will follow a route through Rae, Kiili, Saku, and Saue parishes, with a steady, easy pace for riders of all levels.
Mayor of Tallinn Mihhail Kõlvart launched the Test in Tallinn initiative to welcome companies around the world to test their smart solutions on the streets of Tallinn in three focus areas: mobility, energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Once you’ve decided WHAT to sell, you have to decide WHERE to sell it. When choosing the premises for your shop, consider that they can only be used...
As part of the Test in Tallinn smart city project, City of Tallinn is working with Hayden AI to pilot its automated bus lane and bus stop enforcement platform.
The Swedish cleantech companyElonroadand Estonian teledriving technology companyElmoare pleased to formally announce their entry into a Letter of Intent (LOI) to collaborate in developing an innovative stationary charging track in Tallinn, Estonia for Elmo´s electric cars fleet. This partnership will combine their expertise to enhance technology for smarter charging of electric vehicles. The two companies decided on starting collabaroation after meeting in Tallinn in early may as a part of King and queen of Sweden official visit to Tallinn.