Useful links: Tallinn’s common visual identity Tallinn’s logo files and how to use them Applying for a public event permit: To organise a public event...
Changes to the routes of Tallinn's public transport lines on Põhja puiestee, Mere puiestee, and Ahtri Street during construction works from 4.03.2024...
NB! Currently important: The new development strategy "Tallinn 2035" has been adopted in December 2020. The development strategy is published in a web...
Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe Objectives: To consolidate data on significant cemeteries and raise awareness of their importance as a...
Dear HGV driver! If your destination is Tallinn Old Harbour (A,B or D terminal) and a GPS device is available (TomTom or Garmin), you can download the...
Tallinn selects its partners for bi- or multilateral cooperation based on the city’s interests and challenges while avoiding signing treaties of amity...