At a gala held in Brussels, the president of the European Capitals and Cities of Sport Federation (ACES Europe), Gian Francesco Lupattelli, and European Commissioner for Culture and Sport, Glenn Micallef, presented Tallinn with the title of European Capital of Sport 2025.
NO MORE APPLICATIONS FOR BIO-WASTE HOME COMPOSTERS CAN BE SUBMITTED. 700 applications have been received and there are no more composters. According...
Tallinn has been a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network since 2022. Tallinn hosts a large number of diverse music events that welcome many of...
With the help of the European funding programme Horizon 2020, project AI4Cities aimed at smart solutions achieved through artificial intelligence will...
Municipal housing is meant for an individual or family who is not able to provide appropriate housing that meets their needs or their family’s needs...
It was founded in 1986. Tallinn has been a member since 1998. It was elected to be one of the 12 leading cities in the governing body on November 2017...