On Friday, 25 November from 8-9 am, three sports halls and three winter swimming centers in Tallinn will be hosting a sports morning, where everyone can take part in free training sessions.
A new corpus was opened today at the Iru Nursing Home in which six wards equipped with modern and high levels of integrated social and health services will provide care for citizens who require high maintenance care.
As of December 1st, companies will change the price lists for waste collection in all the areas of Tallinn. The prices for emptying mixed waste containers will increase, while the prices for emptying other waste containers will remain the same.
During the two previous weekends, Tallinn residents brought in 25 735, 96 kg of hazardous waste and eight tonnes of usable items. The residents of Tallinn can dispose of household hazardous waste in waste collection points. The Tallinn Waste Management Centre has six collection points for hazardous waste, which are open at weekends. The service is free of charge.
An inspection of winter maintenance equipment took place in eight districts of Tallinn this week to check the readiness of snow clearing machines for the start of the season. New maintenance partners will start this year in several districts.
The first snow fell in Tallinn last night and the weather forecast for today's forecast is rain and sleet, with roads likely to become slippery with night-time temperatures below freezing. The City of Tallinn's contractors will be carrying out preventative de-icing on major roads, but all road users should be cautious.
As of 1 December, parking arrangements will be changed in the Lille district of Kristiine and in parking spaces located at the Õismäe and Haabersti roundabout. With the new parking arrangements the city is trying to improve the snow clearance maintenance during winter months. Other city districts will also consider new parking arrangements.