Tallinn City Government sent a draft regulation to the city council. If approved, Tallinn will support international conferences that are held off-season.
The Tallinn City Government submitted a draft of the third supplementary budget of 2022 to the city council. According to the draft, the city budget will increase by 22 million euros. Should the draft be adopted, the final budget for 2022 will be 1.74 billion euros.
Next week on 21 November, 114 ideas for Tallinn's 2023 participatory budget will be put to a referendum in the city's districts - already now, residents can find out more about the ideas to be put to the vote in their own districts on the website.
The City of Tallinn has decided to add up to €25 for the purchase of a bicycle helmet to the "Bike to School" grant of up to €100. The application for the grant must be sent together with the application for the bicycle purchase subsidy and the invoice for the purchase of the helmet.
Tallinn's 2023 budget focuses on preserving cultural heritage as well as enhancing the historic urban space and living environment. Next year, the renovation of the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Old Town walls, fortifications and buildings will continue, but restoration grants will also increase.
According to next year's draft Tallinn city budget, the focus in the field of sports will be on creating opportunities for physical activity and sport in the urban space, as well as supporting various sports projects and international competitions.
Tallinn's draft city budget for next year proposes a total of €41 million for operating expenditure and investment in the area of urban assets, with a focus on developing municipal and social housing, supporting housing associations and improving the energy efficiency of city-owned buildings.
ACES of Europe President Gian Francesco Lupattelli handed over the title of European Capital of Sport 2025 to Tallinn Mayor Mihhail Kõlvart in Brussels last night.
Tallinn has launched four different calls for applications to support music and culture projects in 2023, aimed at enriching Tallinn's cultural calendar, improving access to culture and ensuring the continuity of cultural events.
Next year's draft city budget foresees a total of €50.1 million for operating expenditure and investments in the area of environment and environmental protection. In addition to the activities related to the European Green Capital, for example, the improvement of parks and green spaces will continue as an important part of creating a high quality urban space.