In the 2025/2026 academic year, the City of Tallinn will open classes in five schools transitioning to Estonian-language instruction, specifically for children who speak Estonian at a native level. Admission to these Estonian-language classes will be city-wide, meaning students will not be automatically assigned to these classes. Parents will decide whether to enroll their children in these classes.
Taking into account the peculiarities of children, the following special groups have been formed in Tallinn’s preschool institutions: Leveling groups...
An apartment association can apply for a grant for increasing apartment building energy efficiency and for improving the facade. The grant can cover...
The youth centres provide the youth with conditions for educational activities, enabling them, based on their free will, to be active near their homes...
To ensure environmentally friendly disposal of old Christmas trees, Tallinn has opened 83 collection points where residents can drop off their trees free of charge. Trees can also be taken to waste stations or have them picked up by the local waste management service.