Intelligent Community Forum Objective: Intelligent Community Forum is a global network of cities and regions that aims to help solve social problems...
Huge changes have taken place in all spheres of life in Tallinn during the last decade. These are mainly the trends that have established a favourable...
At the end of this week, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania will connect to the continental European power grid, a transition in which local governments also play a crucial role. Tallinn already has a round-the-clock crisis readiness system in place.
Description of aid measures Implementing time 1. MEASURE 1: relaxing payment conditions – the city pays for the received services and goods within 10...
From February 14 to March 4, the Tallinn Bun Fest will take over the city – a unique winter food festival that blends Estonia’s Shrove Tuesday traditions with Tallinn’s world-class café culture.
Below is an overview of Tallinn’s scenic areas by district. The descriptions of each scenic area include a map of the area showing the borders of the...