Admission to first grades Home School Admission to first grades All children living in Tallinn a ccording to the Estonian Population Register are guaranteed a school place in a municipal school. Schooling is c...
Requirements for public order Home Services Environment Requirements for public order Prohibitions guaranteeing the fulfilment of public order requirements It is prohibited: to make noise, bother co-citizens, stay naked in a public...
Portal for events and recreational activities Home Service Portal for events and recreational activities The organisers of events and/or extracurricular activities can introduce their events for free at – Tallinn’s portal for events and...
Hobby classes at schools Home Service Hobby classes at schools Participation in the Tallinn municipal schools hobby classes. Attending such classes may be free or pay. More information
Ceramics and sculpture groups at the hobby schools Home Service Ceramics and sculpture groups at the hobby schools Ceramics and sculpture groups at Tallinn municipal and private hobby schools. The contact details of the hobby schools are in the education database.
Choir and singing groups at the hobby schools Home Service Choir and singing groups at the hobby schools Choir and singing groups at Tallinn municipal and private hobby schools. The contact details of the hobby schools are in the education database.
Electronics and modelling groups at the hobby schools Home Service Electronics and modelling groups at the hobby schools Electronics and modelling groups at Tallinn municipal and private hobby schools. The contact details of the hobby schools are in the education...
Language and culture groups at the hobby schools Home Service Language and culture groups at the hobby schools Language and culture groups at Tallinn municipal and private hobby schools. The contact details of the hobby schools are in the education database.
Contacts Home Contacts Service hall 1 Tallinn Centre District Administration Nunne street 18 15058 Tallinn Phone: 645 7200 E-mail: Web Page - tallinn...
Alpine skiing Home Service Alpine skiing Provision of Alpine skiing and snowboarding facilities for children, young people and adults. For other sport information, visit the Tallinn sport...