Benefit for youth associations Home Service Benefit for youth associations Allocation of benefit to partially cover the management costs of youth associations, active on Tallinn's administrative territory. Deadline for...
Cooperation in Smart City Home Cooperation in Smart City Our approach of Think global, Test in Tallinn is being used in the Tallinnovation concept to develop Tallinn into a Smart City. To start, the...
GScan Home GScan GScan Develops cosmic radiation-based solutions for 3D modelling in co-operation with research institutes NICP, iCV Lab and the University of Tartu...
Car- and motogroups at the hobby schools Home Service Car- and motogroups at the hobby schools Car- and motogroups at Tallinn municipal and private hobby schools. The contact details of the hobby schools are in the education database.
Aerobics group at the hobby school Home Service Aerobics group at the hobby school Aerobics hobby group at Tallinn municipal and private hobby schools. The contact details of the hobby schools are in the education database.
Rent rooms at museum Home Service Rent rooms at museum You are welcome to hold a variety of events at Tallinn City Museum and its subsidiaries. We offer various entertaining and educational birthday...
Nomination of a sports club to receive the sports activity benefit Home Service Nomination of a sports club to receive the sports activity benefit The athlete with active legal capacity, or the legal representative of an athlete (usually a parent) should specify electronically or in an...
Portal for events and recreational activities Home Service Portal for events and recreational activities The organisers of events and/or extracurricular activities can introduce their events for free at – Tallinn’s portal for events and...
Ceramics and sculpture groups at the hobby schools Home Service Ceramics and sculpture groups at the hobby schools Ceramics and sculpture groups at Tallinn municipal and private hobby schools. The contact details of the hobby schools are in the education database.
Choir and singing groups at the hobby schools Home Service Choir and singing groups at the hobby schools Choir and singing groups at Tallinn municipal and private hobby schools. The contact details of the hobby schools are in the education database.