This web site gathers the most important information for an Ukrainian refugee who has arrived to Tallinn. Refugee centre in Tallinn I am a refugee I...
Personalised Smartcard is only valid with personal identity document. The right of free travel: Documents evidencing the travel benefits (valid only...
The right to discounted travel can only be evidenced using an ID card in the case of electronic tickets (ID tickets). In the database, when purchasing...
Here you will find information about major construction works and the temporary traffic and public transport adjustments associated with them. Tallinn...
World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile location for business with...
Food aid is supplied to war refugees registering at the Tallinn reception centre (Niine 2) who have difficulties in providing food for themselves and...
The pension supplement (also known as the birthday allowance) is a universal benefit paid once a year, the month prior to the recipient's birth month...
There are two kinds of shelters: a around the clock shelter and a night shelter. 24/7 temporary shelter is for adults who do not have a home and who...
Many companies are moving beyond the basics of open innovation making this new paradigm of innovation even more complex, challenging – and rewarding...