Enrichment activities in Tallinn schools Home Enrichment activities in Tallinn schools A total of 26,187 children (as of 10 October 2003) are enrolled in recreational programs administered by the school system under Tallinn Education...
Special education in Tallinn schools Home Special education in Tallinn schools Based on the law of Estonia basic education can be acquired at three levels of academic program: 1. State basic school and gymnasium curriculum 2...
Most significant parks of Tallinn Home Services Culture, Sport and Leisure Leisure Most significant parks of Tallinn In Tallinn, there are dosens of parks green areas from tiny Green Market in Lai Street to the great Kadrioru Park that lays over the area of 85...
About taxi services in Tallinn Home About taxi services in Tallinn Rights and obligations of parties upon provision of taxi services (1) Upon provision of taxi services, the driver is required to: 1) place their...
Schedules of Tallinn public transport Home Schedules of Tallinn public transport Schedules of Tallinn public transport Buses Trolleybuses Trams Tallinn public transport map
Acknowledgements for Tallinn City Office Home Governance Acknowledgements Acknowledgements for Tallinn City Office European Green Office The Tallinn City Office reached the intended objective by implementing an environmental management system in the building at...
Bicycle routes and parking in Tallinn Home Bicycle routes and parking in Tallinn Site is currently under construction.
Tallinn Libraries Home Cultural institutions Tallinn Libraries The Tallinn Libraries is Tallinn’s public library that works to ensure the citizens have free and unlimited access to information, knowledge and...
Sports Centres and Halls Home Sports Centres and Halls Here you can find city-managed sports centres and halls categorised by sport. Clicking on a sports hall will take you to its website, where you can...