Lasnamäe Basic School Ümera 46 13816 Tallinn Secretary Viktoria Buklova +372 6-356-775 Principal Milena Pogodajeva +372 6-356-775...
A valid transport ticket will grant you travelling in public transport vehicles of Tallinn. Uniform transport tickets are used in trams, trolley buses...
Tallinn is the centre of Estonian political and business life. With its population 400 000, the capital is the driving force of the country's economy...
The first phase of renovation works has been completed at the historic House of the Blackheads, managed by the Tallinn Philharmonic Society. The building now boasts upgraded technical systems and modern automation. A ceremony was held on November 28 to honor those who contributed to the renovations.
Below is an overview of Tallinn’s scenic areas by district. The descriptions of each scenic area include a map of the area showing the borders of the...