An apartment association can apply for a grant for increasing apartment building energy efficiency and for improving the facade. The grant can cover...
In 2024, Tallinn is consulting 4 municipalities on sustainable development while testing the sustainability governance model. The expert support was...
Here you will find information about major construction works and the temporary traffic and public transport adjustments associated with them. Tallinn...
The purpose of the green transition subsidy is to reduce the impact of urban life and the economy on the climate. With the subsidy, the city wants to...
This page covers the services and benefits related to childbirth provided by the City of Tallinn. Maternity package : when a child is born, the City...
In 2024, Tallinn made significant strides in public transport with strategic decisions such as a complete renewal of the trolleybus fleet with battery-powered trolleys and signing a 10-year contract with Tallinna Linnatransport AS to ensure the long-term stability and development of the city’s public transport system. This year also saw the completion of the second phase of the public transport network modernization and the redirection of tram line no. 2 through the Old City Harbour.
The city has provided waste sorting stations to its kindergartens to promote environmental awareness among children and teach proper waste separation. During November and December, a total of 349 sorting stations were distributed to 52 kindergartens.
The colourful museum built in 1937 as the main building of the Kadriorg Children’s Park is a playful environment created for children and families to...