Harjumägi, i.e. Harjuvärava mägi (Harju Gate Hill) is a park located on the embankment of the former Inger bastion. In 1860−1861 Komandandi tee (the...
Cluster overview: Green Economy Cluster is developed by the Estonian Waste Recycling Competence Center. Main objectives of the cluster are to increase...
To ensure environmentally friendly disposal of old Christmas trees, Tallinn has opened 83 collection points where residents can drop off their trees free of charge. Trees can also be taken to waste stations or have them picked up by the local waste management service.
World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile location for business with...
Suspension of accepting applications for trade fair grant Tallinna Strateegiakeskus18.12.2024 linnakantsleri üldkäskkiri number T-29-1/24/69 Procedure...
The purpose of the 24-hour general care service provided outside of home is to ensure a safe environment and coping of an adult who is temporarily or...
All clean and intact items, clothes, textiles, etc. are accepted for reuse. Items can be taken to reuse centres , public waste bins in urban areas or...