The purpose of the green transition subsidy is to reduce the impact of urban life and the economy on the climate. With the subsidy, the city wants to...
As of May 1, 2024, Tallinn updated its procedure for allocating municipal housing to ensure that housing is provided to those who need it most within a reasonable timeframe. Municipal housing is a temporary support measure designed to assist residents and their families facing difficulties for a specific period.
This page covers the services and benefits related to childbirth provided by the City of Tallinn. Maternity package : when a child is born, the City...
One of the winners of the Tallinnovation 2024 competition, VOK Bikes , is an electric “last-mile” cargo bike designed to replace cars in areas where...
Through its Test in Tallinn program, the City of Tallinn offers companies the opportunity to test their innovative products and services designed for a smart city. In the January application round, four new innovation projects were selected to proceed to the testing phase.