Tallinn City Government aims to change the procedure for granting the use of municipal assets to simplify the testing of innovation projects within the urban space.
Tallinn City Government has submitted the draft of the city's second supplementary budget for 2023 to the City Council, which specifies budgeted revenues, expenditures, investments, and financing transactions. The largest growth in expenses is planned in the fields of education and roads and streets.
In October, as part of the URBACT program, representatives of the Cities After Dark network from Braga visited Tallinn to meet with representatives of the city's nightlife sector and discuss future cooperation.
At today's session, the Tallinn City Government approved an action plan aimed at businesses, with the goal of providing support to counteract the impact of prolonged construction work.
The Tallinn Strategic Management Office will be examining the quality of waste sorting over the last two days of October and in November, and will be advising the residents of Tallinn on the proper separation of organic waste.
Tallinn Restaurant Week starts tomorrow, with 81 restaurants offering culinary delights from November 1 to 7. In collaboration with Tallinn, criteria have been established allowing restaurants to choose a dish from their à la carte menu that meets one of the set criteria and mark it with the green label. This initiative has been joined for the first time by 24 restaurants.
Tallinn City Government submitted a draft Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan to the City Council. The goal by 2035 is to achieve a balanced distribution of modes of transport, accessible mobility infrastructure, and a safe environment for transportation in the Tallinn region.
The Tallinn City Government has proposed to the City Council to lease, from December 4, Hiiu Stadium, Lasnamäe Stadium, Wismari Football Stadium, and Võidujooksu Football Field to the current managing football clubs for a ten-year period.
Tallinn plans to standardize the support procedure for childcare services, under which subsidies are paid to private kindergartens and daycare centers on a uniform basis. This will give parents the opportunity to choose between different services under similar conditions without having to apply for childcare service compensation every month.