In Estonian Järgnevatel muuseumipühapäevadel on linnamuuseumi filiaalides vajalik eelregistreerimine . Pealinn, 11. jaanuar 2023 Tallinna kultuurielus...
The green wave implemented on Liivalaia Street in early October has made traffic flow more smoothly for vehicles while maintaining full pedestrian crossings. Control tests conducted this week confirmed the effectiveness of the system as predicted.
Tallinn's 2025 city budget allocates €418 million for education, focusing on creating new school places, transitioning to Estonian-language education, and developing and renovating educational institutions.
The City of Tallinn plans to significantly increase support for the Food Bank (Toidupank) to ensure that food aid reaches more people in need. Currently, approximately 6,300 people receive food aid weekly in Tallinn. In September, Tallinn Food Bank (Tallinna Toidupank) opened a distribution point in Mustamäe, and next year, it plans to expand to Põhja-Tallinn to bring food distribution closer to those in need. Assistance is provided in close cooperation with local social workers, who assess individuals' need for support.
A well-thought-out business idea that is formalised as a business plan will help you achieve success and is important for investors and other business...