The Prototron Fund , the first in Estonia to finance prototype development has announced a competition to find companies that need support in turning...
On 10 September, Tallinn’s Sustainability Governance Hub – in collaboration with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre – hosted a hybrid peer learning session to explore the “why, what, how and with whom” of Voluntary Local Reviews – a growing global movement where cities and regions report progress on the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.
Estonia will be represented in the global competition Creative Business Cup by SUTU, a company that has developed a material made from reeds that can be used to produce bank cards, for example. The competition will take place on 4-5 June in Copenhagen, Denmark, and will bring together around 80 countries who have chosen a creative and innovative start-up to represent them.
Did the strap of your new bag break or your washing machine stop working a few months after purchase? Are you thinking about starting up your own business, but are not familiar with the comprehensive legal framework? If you need help in situations like this, contact the City Enterprise Services Consumer Protection Department.