The KiVa anti-bullying program, implemented in Tallinn's municipal schools in 2024, has shown commendable results in reducing bullying. Data collected confirms that the level of bullying in Tallinn’s schools is significantly lower compared to other Estonian schools participating in the KiVa program.
So said Yuliia Zamushynska, ecologist from the EcoVin Municipal Utility Company in Vinnytsia (Ukraine) when she introduced plans for developing waste management in Vinnytsia during a study visit to Tallinn last week.
To ensure environmentally friendly disposal of old Christmas trees, Tallinn has opened 83 collection points where residents can drop off their trees free of charge. Trees can also be taken to waste stations or have them picked up by the local waste management service.
This service is meant for adults with mental disorders who can take care of themselves and are capable of doing everyday activities but need support...