Due to the Europe Day concert by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tallinn city centre, the intersections of Rävala puiestee with Lembitu and Lauteri streets and the squares of Teatri and Islandi will be closed to traffic today, 9 May from 6.30pm until midnight.
This weekend, Tallinners can get involved in a series of community clean-ups and help make the city cleaner as part of the Let's Do It campaign. Helping hands are welcome in Põhja-Tallinn, Haabersti, Kesklinn, Nõmme and Kristiine districts, and activities take place on Friday and Saturday.
The upcoming Sunday is International Mothers' Day and to celebrate, people can visit a series of concerts in the open air and in concert halls, as well as workshops and fairs taking place in Tallinn.
The architectural competition for the extension of Tallinna Reaalkool – Tallinn Secondary School of Science – has been won by an Estonian architecture office Molumba with the design R². Construction is scheduled to start in 2024.
The Tallinn City Council recently adopted the Tallinn Waste Management Plan 2022-2026, which aims to expand the separate collection of bio-waste, promote the collection and handling of textile waste, turn waste stations into recycling centres and encourage re-use. Collecting organic waste separately will become compulsory for all properties already in 2023.
Tallinn is taking part in an international project to develop an effective package of adaptation measures to counter the increasing effect of heat waves caused by climate change, with Väike-Õismäe as the pilot area.
All four waste stations in Tallinn are open every day from the beginning of April to provide smoother service. The stations switch to summer operation on 1 April, which also means longer opening hours.
More than 1,540 students from Ukraine have been offered places in Tallinn's municipal schools. Kindergarten places have been offered to nearly 350 applicants, with 110 Ukrainian children already attending kindergarten.
A temporary prohibition on motor vehicle traffic on Astangu Street in the Haabersti district to ensure safer migration routes for amphibians, originally planned from 31 March to 14 April, will be postponed to start from 10 April to 30 April. The traffic restriction will be in force from 9 pm to 6 am on the stretch from Kotermaa Street 1 to Astangu Street 19/3. The restriction does not apply to public transport passing through Astangu Street.