Public sports fields of Nõmme district Home Public sports fields of Nõmme district Ball game courts Kalda tn basketball court Kalda tn 1a Beach volleyball sand pitch by the pond of Harku bog IloPark basketball court Vabaduse pst 4...
Public sports fields of Lasnamäe district Home Public sports fields of Lasnamäe district Ball game courts Pae Park basketball court Paepargi 29 A 14x22-metre basketball court with an asphalt surface and a fence around it. 5-a-side...
Changing the forename and surname Home Service Changing the forename and surname Citizens of Estonia and stateless persons staying in Estonia with a residence permit can apply for a new first name, surname and both first and...
Councelling commission for children whith special needs Home Special education Councelling commission for children whith special needs Tallinn Counselling Commission is an advisory body to Tallinn Education Departement whose goal is to determine an appropriate program of study for...
Social benefits and services for children Home Services Health and Social Welfare Social benefits and services for children On this page you will find services and benefits provided by the City of Tallinn to children and families with children. The main goal of the support...
Frequently asked questions Home Waste and recycling Frequently asked questions What is bio-waste and why do I have to collect it separately? Bio-waste is divided into two: kitchen and canteen waste (i.e. food waste) and garden...
Customs Home Business guide Customs Regulations From 1st of May 2004 Estonia belongs to the common customs union of EU. The existence of customs union is guaranteed by the loss of...
Domestic abuse help in Tallinn Home Services Health and Social Welfare Domestic abuse help in Tallinn There is ALWAYS a way out of violence! If you suspect that you or someone you know is subject to psychological, physical, economic or sexual abuse...
Circular Economy Pilot Project Home Circular Economy Pilot Project Tallinn Strategic Management Office, with support from the European Economic Area (EEA) program and the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK), is...
Sport to the schools Home Events and projects Sport to the schools The "Sport to the schools" project is aimed at 7-8-year-old students who, in addition to school physical education classes, also participate in...