Important stops (from 03.07) Home Important stops (from 03.07) Balti jaam Hobujaama Kaubamaja Teatri väljak Majaka ja Ülemiste jaam Sadam Lennujaam Bussijaam
Contact Home Contact Tallinn Transport Department Address: Toompuiestee 35, 10149 Tallinn Email:
Absence of tax arrears certificate Home Service Absence of tax arrears certificate Dear applicant for a certificate of no tax debt. We would like to draw your attention to changes in the issuance and content of certificates...
Applying for a compost bin Home Service Applying for a compost bin NO MORE APPLICATIONS FOR BIO-WASTE HOME COMPOSTERS CAN BE SUBMITTED. 700 applications have been received and there are no more composters. According...
Traffic changes. Põhja boulevard and Kursi street intersection (from 03.07.2023) Home Traffic changes. Põhja boulevard and Kursi street intersection (from 03.07.2023)
Traffic changes: Hobujaama and Gonsiori (from 18.04.2023) Home Traffic changes: Hobujaama and Gonsiori (from 18.04.2023) Gonsiori ja Laikmaa Hobujaama tn
Traffic changes: Hobujaama and Gonsiori (from 04.04.2023) Home Traffic changes: Hobujaama and Gonsiori (from 04.04.2023) Gonsiori and Laikmaa Hobujaama
Sports activity benefit Home Service Sports activity benefit Sports activity benefit is for sports clubs and schools to organise the sports activities of Tallinn's children, young people and amateurs with...