The City of Tallinn's partners offer legal assistance free of charge. Eesti Juristide Liit student law clinic The student law clinic offers free legal...
According to the Law Enforcement Act, power of authorisation for permits for producing excessive noise and light effects as well as pollution is held...
A new and fascinating permanent photo exhibition, "The Skyscraper of Freedom Square" (Vabadusplatsi pilvelõhkuja), is now open in the service hall of Tallinn City Hall. The exhibition takes visitors on a journey through time, exploring the history of Tallinn’s landmark building and Freedom Square. It highlights the development of metropolitan architecture in the early 20th century and showcases the city’s transformation into a growing and modernizing capital.
TALLINN IS SELLING REAL ESTATE On this page, you will find information on the current offerings for real estate that the city is selling or has sold...