Today, 9 June, KUU and Nikita Atikin’s architects presented rough plans for the new building of Tallinn Hobby Centre Kullo. Although primarily meant for children and young people, the building will also become a modern community centre, adding value to the entire area.
In 2021, a rooftop construction examination was conducted on 56 buildings in Tallinn to assess energy-saving possibilities. It was discovered that 28 buildings in the city can support solar power plants.
In response to Minister of the Interior Lauri Läänemets, Tallinn's Mayor Mihhail Kõlvart has expressed the city's request for an extension in making the decision to close the Kopli fire department and has offered to contribute to its continued operation.
Tallinn has shown progress in the Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDS-Index) 2023 analysis, a program renowned as the most reliable benchmarking and improvement tool in tourism sustainability. Since joining the program in 2021, Tallinn has consistently improved its performance. Today, it surpasses the average scores of cities in North America, Eastern and Western Europe, and also ranks higher than any other city in Eastern Europe in individual assessments.
Last year, the Tallinn Vital Statistics Department registered 2384 marriages, with the oldest groom being 87 and the oldest bride 79 years old. The most popular months for weddings were July and August, during which over 600 marriages were solemnized. A total of 3609 births were registered, including 48 sets of twins and one set of quadruplets.
Last night, the 2023 Conference Achievement of the Year was announced at Fotografiska where Tallinn Deputy Mayor Joosep Vimm and Chairman of the Estonian Convention Bureau Ott Sarapuu acknowledged the past year's most outstanding conference organizers, highlighting 27 events that generated an estimated benefit of over 9.5 million euros to the city and Estonia's economy.
Today, on April 15, representatives from the City of Tallinn and the architectural firm Sammas Arhitektuuribüroo OÜ unveiled the project for a new school building and its construction progress at Karjamaa Street 18, Põhja-Tallinn. In response to the growing demand for school places due to new developments in the area, the city plans to renovate a building formerly used as a school until 2021 and open a new primary school with 864 student places.
Today, the Tallinn City Government appointed the district governors for Kristiine and Nõmme. Starting May 2, Renata Lukk will lead Kristiine, while Karmo Kuri, who also served in this role during the previous administration, will continue as the governor of Nõmme. Both candidates received approval from their respective district councils.
Today, in a special session, the Tallinn City Government appointed new governors for the districts of Kesklinn, Pirita, and Põhja-Tallinn. Starting today, May 3, Sander Andla will lead Kesklinn, Doris Raudsepp will head Pirita, and Külli Tammur will manage Põhja-Tallinn. All candidates have also received approval from their respective district councils.