From 05.07.2022 Tallinn will launch in Niine 2 refugee center legal advice on legal issues of rental agreements for families who moved to Estonia from...
Provision of child care and pre-school education for children with special needs in an adaption of special group (a compensatory or development group...
An apartment association can apply for a grant for increasing apartment building energy efficiency and for improving the facade. The grant can cover...
The People's Assembly is guided by the following values: democracy for all; in a democracy, the people are the supreme authority; democracy is for all...
In case of certain advertisements the taxpayer can apply for the advertisement tax reduction. Tallinn City Government can grant tax reductions of: 1)...
The installation of outside advertisements in heritage conservation areas and on monuments must be approved by the Tallinn Urban Planning Department’s...
The Tallinn City Council Archive (the Tallinn Magistracy archive) contains documents from 1237 to 1889. ( read more...) Tallinn Guilds ( read more...)...