Harju County Institutions 1918–1944 : Harjumaa District Government 1918, Harju County Government 1918–1940, Harju County CPD Executive Committee 1941...
The City of Tallinn values districts with unique historical and cultural elements that play an important role in enriching the urban space, creating...
Main contact of the Communication Department: kommunikatsioon@tallinnlv.ee Irina Kuzina, Chief Media Officer 640 4221, irina.kuzina@tallinnlv.ee Press...
Educational activities in extra-curricular activity schools are based on curricula approved by the Ministry of Education and Research. Deep learning...
The presentation of the changes to the public transport network took place in the city districts according to the following timetable: 9 September at...
The Tallinn Rental Committee settles disputes arising from tenancy agreements. The rental committee settles disputes that have arisen from tenancy in...