World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile location for business with...
The park is located in Merivälja district between Kesktee (Central Road), Salu (Grove), Heki (Hedge) and Võra (Top of a tree) Streets and is 3,2 ha in...
Starting in the fall of 2025, five schools transitioning to Estonian-language education in Tallinn will, for the first time, open classes where instruction is conducted at the mother-tongue level of Estonian. These classes are offered through citywide enrollment, meaning children are not automatically assigned to these classes. The decision to enroll a child in one of these classes rests with the parents.
Vital statistics certificates : if a certificate (marriage, birth, divorce, death or name change) has gone missing or you need it for submission in a...
This page covers the services and benefits related to childbirth provided by the City of Tallinn. Maternity package : when a child is born, the City...
Compensating for the costs of adapting the living space for people with disabilities who struggle to move around in their place, cope or communicate...
Tall Ships Races Tallinn 2024 has earned international recognition, receiving the Host Port of the Year 2024 award from Sail Training International and the Maritime Act of the Year title from the Estonian Ministry of Climate. These accolades highlight Tallinn's contribution to organizing the international regatta, engaging young people, and promoting maritime culture.