World-class human capital, unique digital capabilities and a competitive business environment make Estonia a smart, agile location for business with...
Changes to the routes of Tallinn's public transport lines on Põhja puiestee, Mere puiestee, and Ahtri Street during construction works from 4.03.2024...
This year, Tallinn will welcome the new year with a concert and light show, foregoing fireworks as part of the celebration. On New Year’s Eve, January 1, early hours, several lines will run longer to ensure partygoers can get home using public transport.
Starting in the fall of 2025, five schools transitioning to Estonian-language education in Tallinn will, for the first time, open classes where instruction is conducted at the mother-tongue level of Estonian. These classes are offered through citywide enrollment, meaning children are not automatically assigned to these classes. The decision to enroll a child in one of these classes rests with the parents.
Aktsiaselts Tallinna Linnatransport announces that the winner of the trolleybus tender, announced in the second half of the summer, is the long-established major manufacturer Škoda Group. As a result of the tender, trolleybuses will be produced that can be used in areas without overhead lines, thus ensuring a more flexible and efficient service of the network. The tender includes the procurement of twenty-two 18-meter and eighteen 12-meter trolleybuses, with an option to purchase an additional 30 trolleybuses.