Additional information (timetables, route changes, and stops): Ending detour: Bus route No.5 will end its detour and go back to...
NB! Currently important: The new development strategy "Tallinn 2035" has been adopted in December 2020. The development strategy is published in a web...
A gem of Estonian functionalist architecture, the historic villa designed by Olev Siinmaa, hides in a quiet courtyard at Roosikrantsi 4b in the city...
Address Vabaduse väljak 7, 15199 Tallinn General phone +372 640 4141 Email Registry code 75014920 City Secretary Priit Lello The...
In Estonian Järgnevatel muuseumipühapäevadel on linnamuuseumi filiaalides vajalik eelregistreerimine . Pealinn, 11. jaanuar 2023 Tallinna kultuurielus...
Physical environments play an important role in the development of clusters. They promote the concentration of companies that share similar economic...
Have you noticed how our city is getting cosier, more comfortable and greener? Many of the developments have been made possible thanks to various international projects that help make Tallinn more sustainable and improve the quality of everyday life.