It was founded in 1986. Tallinn has been a member since 1998. It was elected to be one of the 12 leading cities in the governing body on November 2017...
Cross-usage of Estonian and Finnish electronic ticketing systems. The objective of the project was agreed upon by the mayors of Helsinki and Tallinn...
Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
Supporting medallists in adult title competitions The aim is to acknowledge the high achievements of athletes from Tallinn at the Olympic Games, World...
Crisis help information for economic operators Tallinn extends rent exemption on outdoor terraces 100 % from 1 May to 31 May 2022 and 1 September to...
Harjumägi, i.e. Harjuvärava mägi (Harju Gate Hill) is a park located on the embankment of the former Inger bastion. In 1860−1861 Komandandi tee (the...
EST / RUS As a result of an energy price increase, the state will start paying energy subsidies to households with low or medium income. The subsidy...