New general terms and conditions apply to municipal and social housing in the city of Tallinn from 1 October 2024. The general terms and conditions of...
Special prices apply when booking with reference „KSF" For information about special prices and reservation, please contact the hotels (contacts given...
The goal of the UserCentriCities project is to audit, renew and adjust existing public sector e-services to be more user-friendly. By the end of the...
This year, Tallinn will welcome the new year with a concert and light show, foregoing fireworks as part of the celebration. On New Year’s Eve, January 1, early hours, several lines will run longer to ensure partygoers can get home using public transport.
The KiVa anti-bullying program, implemented in Tallinn's municipal schools in 2024, has shown commendable results in reducing bullying. Data collected confirms that the level of bullying in Tallinn’s schools is significantly lower compared to other Estonian schools participating in the KiVa program.