Introduction to iENGINES Home Introduction to iENGINES WHY iENGINES? Disruptive economic forces are creating a phenomenon that is titled as a commodity trap, which product focused companies are finding...
Centrinno – creative hubs in cities Home Centrinno – creative hubs in cities CENTRINNO is a project aiming for a new industrial revolution – one that places citizens in the center of sustainable regeneration. Centrinno is a...
Councelling commission for children whith special needs Home Special education Councelling commission for children whith special needs Tallinn Counselling Commission is an advisory body to Tallinn Education Departement whose goal is to determine an appropriate program of study for...
Ringo Home Ringo Mypak Solutions offers an innovative repackaging service called Ringo. By concept, it is an extremely simple and logical but also very necessary...
Health care Home Living in Tallinn Health care Emergency number – 112 Tallinn Helpline – 14410 Other important telephone numbers Tallinn Emergency Medical Service Tallinna Emergency Medical Service...
Holdings Home City Archives Holdings The City Archives contain 1,235 archives. These contain a total of 418,342 archival items (as of 1 November 2004), with documents from the 13 th...
Housing and utilities Home Living in Tallinn Housing and utilities Home utilities Water (Tallinna Vesi) Gas (Eesti Gaas) Telephone Internet Waste management
Wood Industries Cluster Home Wood Industries Cluster Estonian Timber - traditional values, modern technologies Cluster overview: The objectives of the Wood Industries Cluster are to promote joint...
Tallinn Innovation Day Home Tallinn Innovation Day 10th of April 2018! Photos 2015 Tallinn Innovation Day 2015 Tallinn Innovation Day 2014 More information: Kärt...