International cooperation
Tallinn Education Department aims to develop the international cooperation with the local educational authorities and educational institutions of...
Smart City Center
Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...
Second phase. Changes in public transportation (04.04 to 02.07.2023)
Stops of the rerouted bus lines in the city centre (map above): Temporary Viru stop on Pärnu mnt in the direction of Narva mnt: Bus lines 14, 18 and...
About Tallinn City Archives
Tolli Street 6 10133 Tallinn Phone: (+372) 645 7401 E-mail: Register code: 75014942 Head: Küllo Arjakas Contacts Website...
HART 2019 in Tallinn
Introduction to iENGINES
WHY iENGINES? Disruptive economic forces are creating a phenomenon that is titled as a commodity trap, which product focused companies are finding...
Services of Haabersti district
Services and allowances provided by Haabersti District Administration. Most popular areas: Social welfare Family and population Most popular services...