The purpose of the 24-hour general care service provided outside of home is to ensure a safe environment and coping of an adult who is temporarily or...
New general terms and conditions apply to municipal and social housing in the city of Tallinn from 1 October 2024. The general terms and conditions of...
Special prices apply when booking with reference „KSF" For information about special prices and reservation, please contact the hotels (contacts given...
Startup Garage and TalTech Startup Centre invite you to participate in the new IGNITER business idea development program where you can make your sparking ideas ignite to a functioning business.
People who are struggling due to low or no income are eligible for food aid. There are many options to receive food aid: European Union ESF + food aid...
Cluster overview: Green Economy Cluster is developed by the Estonian Waste Recycling Competence Center. Main objectives of the cluster are to increase...