The Kalamaja Community Museum is located at Kotzebue 16, Tallinn. From the first moment, the Kalamaja Community Museum was created together with the...
Tallinn’s year as the European Capital of Sport in 2025 brings a sports program offering residents the opportunity to explore various sports throughout the year. January is dedicated to skiing, and on January 18, the Song Festival Grounds will host a skiing day, followed by the festive opening of the sports year.
Estonia has been named an Innovation Champion by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), a prestigious recognition celebrating the nation’s leading role as the most advanced digital society fostering technological innovation, economic growth, e-government and social progress. This honor places Estonia among the top 25 countries worldwide that provide the most welcoming environments for innovation.
The soup kitchen service is for people who do not have sufficient means to provide food for themselves and their families. The purpose of this service...
Below is an overview of Tallinn’s scenic areas by district. The descriptions of each scenic area include a map of the area showing the borders of the...
Validators are located near every door in all vehicles. Validation When a Public Transport Card is validated, the apparatus checks that the passenger...