When choosing a school, please note: the distance of the school from your home and the necessary commuting time safety of the route to school type of...
On this website, you can find all the necessary information about the contraction of marriage and the related services offered by the City of Tallinn...
Timetables and ticket prices - Elron You can buy your tickets from the trains. Here are some of the main expressions needed to understand ticket sales...
Personalised Smartcard is only valid with personal identity document. The right of free travel: Documents evidencing the travel benefits (valid only...
Starting in the fall of 2025, five schools transitioning to Estonian-language education in Tallinn will, for the first time, open classes where instruction is conducted at the mother-tongue level of Estonian. These classes are offered through citywide enrollment, meaning children are not automatically assigned to these classes. The decision to enroll a child in one of these classes rests with the parents.