Ibiot Home Ibiot Ibiot's solution envisages the installation of sensors in waste containers, which would then allow the waste transport operator to change the emptying...
Tallinn Culture Department Home Tallinn Culture Department Vabaduse väljak 10 10146 Tallinn Estonia Phone: +372 645 7170 E-mail: kultuur@tallinnlv.ee Head of department: Hillar Sein Head of Cultural Unit...
Erasmus+ projects Home Projects Erasmus+ for students Erasmus+ projects Place to Create (PACT) the youtube channel
Tallinn City Archive. Tallinn City Government Home Tallinn City Archive. Tallinn City Government City Government formed on the basis of the City Act of 1877 : (1877)1878–1918, City Government from the period of German Occupation 1918 , City...
Forms for archival queries and orders Home Forms for archival queries and orders You may use different web-based forms for sending an archival inquiries or ordering copies of archival units or ordering archival units to research...
Information Lines Home Information Lines City Property Department of Tallinn Information line: 640 4454 Haabersti District Government Information line: 640 4800 City Centre Government of...