Establishment and changing of place names Home Service Establishment and changing of place names It is possible to apply for the establishment or change of a place name for a natural or man-made geographical feature (such as a park or a street). A...
Portal for events and recreational activities Home Service Portal for events and recreational activities The organisers of events and/or extracurricular activities can introduce their events for free at – Tallinn’s portal for events and...
Visits and tickets to the zoo Home Service Visits and tickets to the zoo Visits to Tallinn Zoological Gardens.
Use permit and notice of use Home Service Use permit and notice of use The use permit is a confirmation that the structure (building or facility) has been built on the basis of a building permit and can be used for the...
Renovation and maintenances of city streets Home Service Renovation and maintenances of city streets Finding of doers for the renovation of city streets and execution of maintenance and cleaning works, including for eliminating individual defects...
Establishment and maintenances of street illumination Home Service Establishment and maintenances of street illumination Finding design, construct, renovate and maintain executers for street illumination and the illumination of other infrastucture sites.
Rental of zoo premises and equipment Home Service Rental of zoo premises and equipment Tallinn Zoo provides possibilities to organize conferences, seminars, training, meetings and childern`s birthdays.
Educational programmes for schools and kindergartens Home Service Educational programmes for schools and kindergartens Tallinn City Museum and its subsidiaries offer schools and kindergartens a variety of educational programmes, lectures and classes, using the...
Trademarks and symbols of the city Home Service Trademarks and symbols of the city Tallinn’s trademarks are used on publications, souvenirs, transparents, requisites, posters, in events, city presentations, fairs, media and other...
Processing of applications and proposals - traffic Home Service Processing of applications and proposals - traffic Traffic applications, proposals and complaints will be reviewed, settled and answers given within 30 days.