During the last two weekends of October, residents of Tallinn can once again give away hazardous waste free of charge. On October 23, hazardous waste are collected in Kesklinn and Lasnamäe, on October 24 in Kristiine and Põhja-Tallin, on October 30 in Pirita and Mustamäe, and on October 31 in Haabersti and Nõmme.
People’s awareness on environmental issues expands with every year and with it an interest in sorting household waste. Thus, it is important to reiterate the principles for sorting waste in order to keep our environment clean and to promote waste recycling and reusing.
GreenEST Summit brings together public and private sector experts, Greentech companies and investors from all over Europe to discuss how to address the inevitable green revolution!
The penultimate week of November is European Week for Waste Reduction. Among other environmentally friendly activities, this week in Tallinn you can recycle your unwanted but well-kept items.
Today, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay announced 49 new cities that were designated as members of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Among them is Tallinn, which will bear the title of UNESCO City of Music from 2022.