Ravila (Sanatorium) Park Home Ravila (Sanatorium) Park Ravila Park is located at 13 Ravila Street, on the corner of Ravila and Lõuna Streets. The greenery together with terraces was created in 1952−1955...
Tuvi (Pigeon) Park Home Tuvi (Pigeon) Park Tuvi Park is located between Veetorni, Tõnismäe, Toomkuninga and Suur‑Ameerika Streets. The present name is pretty conventional and relatively new...
Kodu (Home) Park Home Kodu (Home) Park The creation of Kodu Park started probably in 1932 on the initiative of the city gardener Hans Lepa. The park of the regular design is located in the...
Koidu (Dawn) Park Home Koidu (Dawn) Park Koidu Park in its present shape was established only during the Soviet times, though the refurbishing of the area had started earlier. Before the...
Presentations about Klint park Home Vision Presentations about Klint park All materials here are in Estonian. Klint park vision 2021 (PDF) Klint park ideas presentation event materials from 31 March 2022: Eva-Maria Aitsam...
Viruvärava (Viru Gate) Hill’s Park, i.e. Musumäe (Kissing Hill) Park Home Viruvärava (Viru Gate) Hill’s Park, i.e. Musumäe (Kissing Hill) Park Virumägi (Viru Hill), i.e. Viruvärava (Viru Gate) Hill, i.e. Musumägi (Kissing Hill) is located on the remains of the partially built up Bremeni...
Falgi Park (also called Falckspark or Lastepark, i.e. Children’s Park) Home Falgi Park (also called Falckspark or Lastepark, i.e. Children’s Park) Falgi Park (also called Falckspark or Lastepark, i.e. Children’s Park) has been established in the 19th century. The alderman of Tallinn Toom Guild...
Tondimõisa (Ghost Mansion’s) Park Home Tondimõisa (Ghost Mansion’s) Park The park is located at 107 Nõmme Road. It is a former Dunten’s Park. It was an area of the summer manor of the town councillor Jobst Dunt(e) in the...
Kose Stadium / Kose Park Home Kose Stadium / Kose Park The park is located at 55 b Puhkekodu Road in Kose district and is 2,7 ha large. The park is equipped with walking paths of asphalt surfacing and...