The changes will be implemented from 21 October. Citizens had the opportunity to express their views and make proposals from 3-20 September before the...
The reconstruction of the section between Ehte Street and Kolde puiestee in Põhja-Tallinn has been completed. New, wide sidewalks and improved street lighting were built around Ehte School to enhance safety for students and local residents.
Tallinn’s 2025 budget emphasizes the principles of the 15-minute city and an analysis of the spatial distribution of services. This approach enables more efficient planning for new kindergartens, schools, and services for seniors, improving accessibility and aligning with community needs.
Here you will find the counselling and rehabilitation services and therapy options for drug users and their loved ones. Counselling services for HIV...
The first 15 minutes of parking is free of charge, if the driver is using a parking clock or written notice fixing the starting time – placed visibly...
Välisprojektide ettevalmistamist ja elluviimist koordineerib Tallinna Strateegiakeskuse all tegutsev Välisprojektide büroo, mille eesmärgiks on tõsta...